Are you ashamed of your extra fat packs around your legs and at abs that gives you a weird outlook? Take some time out for yourself; yes, I am talking about a workout….It’s time to tone your body to beautifully sculptured outlook. You don’t have time for gym? Okay then start it from your home and this time it will be home gym workout.
Develop your home gym workout routine
It is good to have compact workout equipment if you have it like dumbbells, treadmills etc. but if you don’t have it then no worries. There are workouts that can work equally well without any equipment at home. Take your first step and develop your home gym workout routine to get started.
Women fitness workouts

Workout with equipment
Strengthen your muscles through weight lifting. Start with small weights for minor duration. It will allow you reduce/ burn your excessive fat while building your muscle tissue. You can also do some drills using treadmills and stationary bicycle etc.
Workout without equipment
You can do many exercises at home. You can start with
Side Bridge with abduction
Put your whole body rest on your left hand beneath your shoulder with legs stacked. Support your abs while lifting your hips above the floor till you found yourself balanced on your fore arm and left feet and your body seems like a diagonal line. Now lift your right leg 6 inches to the minimum, put it down after few seconds and repeat. Do the same thing with your right body. Complete all the reps making it set 1.
Wraparound ankle touch
Stand straight and put your legs together. Now bend your knees at 90 to balance your body on left leg. As you bend your body try to reach the tip of your left foot from your fingertips. Do it while keeping your back straight as much as you can. Relax your whole body by standing straight back to standing position. Complete the whole reps and start over with right leg.
Double-stop pushup
Lay yourself down in a pushup-position. Put your hands slightly away than your shoulders while keeping your back straight. Now try to hold your neck in line with your back, move yourself a bit lower and maintain yourself in that position for a while say one sec. keep on lowering your body till you find your chest few inches away from floor. Take few pauses if you find it difficult. Complete your reps and called it set 1.
Push-up position bird dog
Maintain a push-up posture with your hands holding up your whole body. Now stretch your right arms while keeping your back and shoulders straight while supporting your abs then lower your body and repeat it with your left arm. Complete 8-12 reps on every side to complete set 1.
Windshield wiper and
Lay down while resting on your back. Lift and bent your both legs together while resting on your hips with your shoulders stick to the floor. Hold you’re both arms wide-open in a straight direction touching the floor. Move your legs right, left and centre. Complete 8-12 reps on each side.
Supine row
Rest your whole body on your back while your knees bent and feet flat on floor. Put your arms at your sides with elbows bent at 90 degrees. Pull your shoulders up together while putting all the force on your elbows at floor. Lift your head up few inches from the floor and release it. Complete the reps and call it a set.
Extreme isn’t it?
You can imagine how good it will be. These workouts without equipment are equally helpful as that of workouts with equipment. The good news is that you can do all at your home. Isn’t it economical? Its’ a “yayy” moment for all those women at home who wish to stay fit but can’t afford to go to gym for one or other reason. So get yourself benefitted from it. Take your start today.
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