Monday, 1 October 2012

Who says you are old?

Are you sick of your old looks and all those things around you that make you realize that you are old now like medicines and physicians reports? Being a 40 year old lady does not mean that there is no way out. Get the reset button! Get back to your youth because it’s never too late. You can bring yourself a youthful you through few hard work and effort. So it’s time to get fit after 40.
Get Fit after 40
It has been years that you stopped taking interest in yourself because your children and husband were your priority. Now they have been grown up and look after for themselves so stop worrying about them and start focusing on yourself! What do you see in the mirror when you woke up this morning? An old lady, who is tired of working hard for living, for her children and supporting her husband… ahh and look at this odd physique that you have, obese outside and weak inside? What’s that? Is that because you are consuming take away meals and drinking lots of cola drinks etc.? Do you want to go this way or do you think losing weight over40 is possible? You would say “It’s possible and what I did is enough” for sure…..

Enough is enough; let’s get started

It’s time for you to go and see your physician now. Now? Yes now! Do it. Ask him whether you could do the workouts and if they are good for your heart and body etc. things. Get yourself approval from your physician. We are sure he would allow you to do some low intensity workouts with increasing difficulty levels. If yes! Then what are you waiting for. Start your journey to newer you……..

Discover yourself after 40

It’s time to begin with low intensity workout just to keep you away from medicine and discovering healthier you. Now the question that clicks in your mind is where should you begin?
·         Start with walking. When we say walking we are aimed at changing your routine from more sitting to walking and within your body comfort zone increase its time duration from say 5 minutes to 10 minutes and till you start brisk walking for 55 minutes and so on.
·         After few weeks of workout, you will see a slight change in your body metabolism like you will feel more hunger and thirst plus you will feel more active the whole day. At this time switch over to more vegetables and fruits. Consume more dairy low fat diet
·         Involve yourself in some physical activity. You can start it from cycling that would help you lose your weight faster. You can also opt for other sports of your choice like swimming, table tennis, lawn tennis etc, that’s good for your muscles strengthening. They would help you not only lose your excessive weight but also regulate your body metabolism and heart rate.
·         Take Beachbody challenge pack of your choice, it will help you to reduce your weight quicker, makes you healthier and stronger. Their coaches will guide you the proper means of weight lifting to build your muscle and diet plans etc.

No second thought; it’s time to move on

Your decision at this point will lead you to two roads from here; first one leading you to more medications, prescriptions and ultimately hospital while the second one will lead you to healthier you. The choice is yours.

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